What happens if I disable or turn off Google Play services

What happens if I disable or turn off Google Play services?

There are many reasons that enforce users to disable Google Play services. If you are interested in using applications using Google Play services then you can decide about to keeping applications or disable them due to different reasons. However, users can also disable all Google Play services, let’s explore why users decide to disable Google Play services.

Google Play Services Info

Google Play Services APK is a software that allows many features and functionalities regarding installed applications. It updates all installed applications in an automatic way by providing additional features and better performance. Google Play services provide wide range of features and services that are important in using and operating the installed applications. It is linked with the Google Play Services for PC and provides wide range of applications to use and install including gaming and software. However, Google Play services is not similar to Google Play Store as it drain battery fast and users can unable to force stop experiences.

Basic reasons to disabling or turning off Google Play services:

There are different reasons that encourage users to disabling or turning off Google Play services as follows;

Unavailability of Services:

Sometimes, user doesn’t get the services related to installed applications and they unable in using applications in proper ways. So, they decide to unable to Google Play services and find another way regarding their requirements. Users use Google Play services for better user experiences and updates regarding applications. They want to enjoy services related to Google and its applications in more smooth way, so, they install and use applications under Google Play services.

Less Package of Software:

There can be lack of full package software, for example Google account managing, Google services framework, or backing up data related to applications. Users want all features and functionalities with this full package software, if their needs and requirements not completing or accessing then they decide to disable Google Play services.

Draining Battery Fast:

Google Play services drain a huge battery in using applications in android devices. Heavy functionalities from Google Play services and regular updates drain battery fast. So, users disable or turn off Google Play services due to less battery life for their device.

Unnecessary Packages:

With the variety of functions and updates related to installed applications, users face the software packages in an additional way and they sometimes irritate with unnecessary features or packages. These extra services drain battery fast and also affect storage of device and users feel uncomfortable with these additional packages and disable Google Play services.

Effects of disabling or Turning off Google Play services:

Google Play services is an important software for installing applications with lots of features and functionalities along with various updates. Disabling to Google Play services can effects devices and applications’ performance in the following ways;

Disable syncing data:

It will disable capability of syncing data or accounts along with providing features and functionalities when they disable Google Play services. Users will unable to sync their accounts as like email account or Google account connecting with contacts or applications.

Unable to cloud messaging:

By turning off or disabling to Google Play services will unable cloud messaging for users and this service will not available without Google Play services. Cloud messaging is linked with Google services framework and with disabling Google Play services both services will eliminated as well.

Unavailability of backing up data:

Google Play services has a service to keep our data related to documents, files, media or multimedia in a secure backing up way. Users have this feature by Google Play services and backup their data when their device lost or they reset their device as factory reset. If users will disable or turn off Google Play services then they will lose the service related to backing up any data while resetting their device as factory reset.

Stop draining the battery:

It can be considered as an only benefit for the users in order to save their device battery. If users will disable Google Play services then they can save their battery life and fast battery draining will never occur with Google Play services disabling.

Steps to disabling Google Play services:

Keeping or disabling to Google Play services is users’ choice and preference. If they are not satisfied or comfortable with the features of Google Play services then they can disable or turn off Google Play services with following the simple steps as follows;

  1. Access your data in android devices
  2. Go to settings, and go to all apps section
  3. Navigate for Google Play services and click on it
  4. Choose “disable:” tab or click on it

Steps to disabling Google Play services permissions:

Users have to ready for apps performance with various functions before disabling Google Play services. By disabling Google Play services permissions will stop background apps performance and all services will remove. However, if you still want to disable Google Play services permissions, then follow the steps as;

  1. Go to device settings, go for “apps and notifications’
  2. Navigate the “Google Play services” app and click on it
  3. Now click on “permissions” button and deny all permissions.
  4. The Google Play services permissions will disable successfully.

If I am unable/disable to Google Play services:

Sometimes there are device manager restrictions that are important to disable while doing any action with the system applications. If you are unable in disabling to Google Play services then follow the steps as;

  1. Go to settings, click on “Security”
  2. In the “Device Administration” option click on “Disable Android device manager”
  3. Now you can try again to disable Google Play services.
What happens if I disable or turn off Google Play services


Disabling or turning off to Google Play services can be decision by users if they are not comfortable with its functions and features. Although Google Play services is a platform with additional features and updates relating to installed applications but sometimes users don’t like some features or services and decide to disable or turn off to Google Play services.


Google Play services is important for Android devices because it provides additional updates and features to the android operating system as an essential part.

By disabling to Google Play services, you can face many problems in operating applications in smooth way and the services with installed applications will also disable.

Google Play services permissions are grants when applications installed  and start to operate, these permission are include as Camera, gallery, contacts, SMS, Wi-Fi connection, microphone etc. and necessary to allow these permissions for using and operating apps in a smooth manner.

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